Release: 29.November 2016
Release: 11.Februar 2016
Release: 10.April 2015
Mastered by Moritz Maier
Das Songbook zum Album "Puzzle" im ebook-Format.
Download in allen großen ebook-Stores wie z.B.
ibook Store, amazon, Thalia, bookrix.
Alle Songtexte sowie die deutsche Übersetzung, Lyric with Chords, Tabs, Akkorddiagramme, Noten, Fotos . . . und die komplette Notation von "River to nowhere".
This special Songbook is offered In all big ebook stores ( ibook Store, amazon, Thalia, bookrix, beam,, weltbild, ebook ).
It contains all songs of the album: All Lyrics, Lyrics with Chords, Tabs, chord diagrams, musical notes, photos and the complete notation of "River to nowhere".